W sobotę 01.09.18 miałem przyjemność poprowadzić tegoroczny światowy event BattleTechowy pod tytułem "Dig, Defend or Die". Rozegrano pierwszą część eventu - scenariusz w klasycznego Battletecha "Nightcrawlers". Rozgrywka odbyła się w Łodzi w klubie K6, którego załogę serdecznie pozdrawiam przy okazji. Zapraszam do krótkiego opisu rozgrywki.
On September 1st, 2018, I had the pleasure to perform this year's World Wide BattleTech Event named "Dig, Defend or Die". The first part of the event was played - a Classic BattleTech scenario "Nightcrawlers". The event took place in Lodz in the K6 club, whose team I'd like to salute on the occasion. You can read a brief description of the game below.
8 kwietnia 3087
ruiny Alt-Eisenstadt
Stotzing, była Liga Wolnych Światów
Tajemnicze Zielone Duchy zaatakowały wykopaliska archeologiczne prowadzone na ruinach Alt-Eisenstadt - pierwszej kolonii na Stotzing. Oddziały planetarnej milicji, wspieranej przez 1szy regiment Protektorów Marik zamierzają odeprzeć ten atak.
April 8th, 3087
ruins of Alt-Eisenstadt
Stotzing, former Free Worlds League
The mysterious Green Ghosts attack an archaeological excavation site in the ruins of Alt-Eisenstadt - the first colony on Stotzing. Planetary militia units, supported by the 1st Marik Protectors, intend to fend off this attack.
April 8th, 3087
ruins of Alt-Eisenstadt
Stotzing, former Free Worlds League
The mysterious Green Ghosts attack an archaeological excavation site in the ruins of Alt-Eisenstadt - the first colony on Stotzing. Planetary militia units, supported by the 1st Marik Protectors, intend to fend off this attack.
Siły Zielonych Duchów składały się z lancy Mechów i lancy helikopterów:
The Green Ghost forces consisted of a Mech lance and a VTOL lance:
The Green Ghost forces consisted of a Mech lance and a VTOL lance:
Blackjack BJ2-0F (4/4)
Enforcer III ENF-6M (4/5)
Lynx LNX-9Q (4/5) (proxy Centurion)
Helios HEL-3D (3/4) (proxy Dervish)
Cavalry Attack Helicopter (4/5) (proxy Yellow Jacket)
Cavalry Attack Helicopter (4/5) (proxy Yellow Jacket)
Cavalry Attack Helicopter (4/5) (proxy Yellow Jacket)
Yellow Jacket Gunship (3/4) (proxy Warrior)
Obronę stanowiła lanca Mechów 1st Marik Protectors wsparta przez artylerię rakietową milicji planetarnej:
The defenders had a 1st Marik Protectors lance supported by the planetary militia missile artillery.
The defenders had a 1st Marik Protectors lance supported by the planetary militia missile artillery.
ShadowHawk SHD-5M (2/3) (proxy Hammerhands)
ShadowHawk SHD-7M (4/5) (proxy Argus)
Wraith TR1 (3/4) (proxy Javelin)
Wraith TR1 (3/4) (proxy Owens)
Hunter Light Support Tank (4/5) (proxy Pilum)
LRM Carrier (4/5)
LRM Carrier (3/4)
SRM Carrier (3/4) (proxy Hvy LRM carrier)
Cała bitwa działa się dodatkowo w nocy. Połowa sił każdego z graczy mogła mieć zamontowane szperacze (trzeba było zadeklarować przed bitwą). Szperacz mógł oświetlić jeden cel w przednim kącie ostrzału w zasięgu do 30 heksów. Niwelowało to karę za warunki nocne dla tego celu, ale dla świecącego także. Dodatkowo obrońca musiał określić jeden z budynków na planszy jako wykopaliska, które Zielone Duchy musiały zniszczyć, po uprzednim zeskanowaniu (stanąć heks obok). Dodatkowo na potrzeby eventu dostałem zupełnie nowe, nieopublikowane dotąd mapy (do samodzielnego wydruku). Wziąłem stronę Zielonych Duchów, a mój przeciwnik SeeM dowodził Marikami.
Additionally, the whole battle took place at night. Half of each player units could use searchlights (you had to choose which ones before the battle). A searchlight could illuminate one target in the front firing arc within 30 hexes. It eliminated the modifier for night conditions for this target, but also for the illuminating unit. In addition, the Defender had to choose one of the buildings on the board as excavation site that the Green Ghosts had to destroy after scanning them first (a unit had to stand next to the hex). In addition, I got completely new, unpublished maps (for self-printing) for the event. I took the Green Ghosts, and my opponent SeeM commanded the Mariks.
Moje Zielone Duchy podzieliłem na dwie pary Mechów (Enforcer, Lynx i Blackjack, Helios) i dwie pary śmigłowców. VTOLe ruszyły prawą flanką, aby obejść pozycje Marików SeeMa. SeeM zabunkrował swoje LRM carriery na krawędzi wykopalisk, a SRM carriera wysłał z ShadowHawkiem 5M przeciwko moim śmigłowcom. Tego pierwszego obawiałem się najbardziej, bo nie chciałem przyjąć ewentualnych 60 rakiet na klatę. Wysłałem więc jednego Cavalry aby pozbyć się zagrożenia.
I divided my Green Ghosts into two pairs of Mechs (Enforcer, Lynx and Blackjack, Helios) and two pairs of helicopters. VTOLs moved the right flank to get around SeeM's positions. SeeM directed his LRM carriers on the edge of the excavation site, and sent the SRM Carrier and Shadow Hawk 5M against my helicopters. I feared the first one the most because I did not want to receive about 60 missiles on any of my units. So I sent one Cavalry to get rid of the threat.
W międzyczasie druga para śmigłowców (Cavalry i Yellow Jacket) wskoczyły na plecy ShadowHawka 5M. Udało mi się wbić strzał z Gaussa w jego bok i uszkodzić krytycznie dwa sloty reaktora, ale nadmiar podwójnych chłodnic w tej maszynie nie powodował większych problemów z odprowadzeniem ciepła. Polowanie samotnego Cavalry na SRM carriera trwało ze trzy tury, zanim w końcu udało mi się wpakować w niego wystarczającą ilość własnych SRMów, aby wyłączyć go z walki. Trzeci Cavalry rozpoczął pierwsze skany budynków.
In the meantime, my second pair of VTOLs (Cavalry and Yellow Jacket) jumped on ShadowHawk 5M's back. I managed to put in a Gauss slug into its side and critically damage two reactor slots, but the excess of freezers in this machine did not cause major problems with heat. The hunt of a lonely Cavalry on the SRM Carrier lasted for three rounds, before finally I was able to put enough of my own SRMs into it to get him out of the fight. The third Cavalry began the first building scans.
Na pole bitwy dotarły w końcu moje Mechy. Helios na lewej flance ruszył do przodu, ostrzeliwując rakietowe czołgi SeeMa. Zaatakowałem je także z drugiej strony śmigłowcami. Niestety tu popełniłem dwa błędy - pierwszym było zdjęcie szperacza z ShadowHawka 5M, a ten wszedł na plecy Enforcera i ukrył się w ciemnościach niczym ninja, przez co moje kontrataki były zupełnie nieskuteczne. Drugim błędem było wejście w optymalny zasięg LRMów SeeMa, którymi mocno obdzielił mojego Enforcera. Skutek - upadek Enforcera od obrażeń i Blackjacka od nieudanego kopnięcia.
My Mechs finally arrived at the battleground. On the left flank the Helios moved forward, shooting at SeeMs rocket tanks. I also attacked them from the other side with my helicopters. Unfortunately, here I made two mistakes - the first was dropping the searchlight from ShadowHawk 5M, which moved on my Enforcer's back and hid in the dark like a ninja, and that made my counterattacks completely ineffective. The second mistake was moving into the optimal range of SeeM LRMs, which gave my Enforcer a lot of punishment. The result - Enforcer falls down because of damage and Blackjack falls down from a missed kick.
LRM Carriery SeeMa zbierały swoje żniwo, poważnie uszkadzając mojego Lynxa (zebrał 7 salw z LRM20). Ale na szczęście moim VTOLom udało się namierzyć lokalizację interesujących mnie wykopalisk. Salwy SRMów z trzech Cavalry zrównały cel z ziemią.
SeeM's LRM Carriers poured more fire into my Mechs, seriously damaging the Lynx (he took 7 LRM20 salvos). Fortunately, my VTOLs managed to locate the target dig site I was interested in. SRM salvos from three Cavalry's leveled the target.
Ostatnia tura jaką zagraliśmy to odskok Lynxa i Blackjacka pod osłoną Yellow Jacketa i pogoń Marikowych Wraithów za tym pierwszym. Helios i postrzelany Enforcer wyłączyli jeszcze z walki ShadowHawka 5M rozwalając mu trzeci slot reaktora oraz Huntera.
The last round we played was the retreat of Lynx and Blackjack under the cover of Yellow Jacket with Marik Wraiths in hot pursuit after the first one. Helios and the damaged Enforcer also managed to cripple the ShadowHawk 5M, knocking out his third engine slot, and take out the Hunter tank.
Gdybyśmy mieli jeszcze czas na kontynuację, pewnie straciłbym tego Lynxa, bo w ostatniej turze zaliczył dwa trafienia krytyczne w reaktor. Z kolei SeeM raczej na pewno straciłby jeszcze oba LRM Carriery, które miały już rozbite całkowicie napędy i robiły za nieruchome wieżyczki. Ale cel misji został zrealizowany.
If we still had time to continue, I would probably lose this Lynx, because in the last round he received two critical hits in the reactor. SeeM, on the other hand, would surely have lost both LRM Carriers, which already had their motive systems knocked out and were just stationary turrets. But the mission's goal has been fulfilled.
Dziękuję bardzo za grę SeeM! Kogo nie było niech żałuje :)
Additionally, the whole battle took place at night. Half of each player units could use searchlights (you had to choose which ones before the battle). A searchlight could illuminate one target in the front firing arc within 30 hexes. It eliminated the modifier for night conditions for this target, but also for the illuminating unit. In addition, the Defender had to choose one of the buildings on the board as excavation site that the Green Ghosts had to destroy after scanning them first (a unit had to stand next to the hex). In addition, I got completely new, unpublished maps (for self-printing) for the event. I took the Green Ghosts, and my opponent SeeM commanded the Mariks.
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Nowe mapki/New maps |
I divided my Green Ghosts into two pairs of Mechs (Enforcer, Lynx and Blackjack, Helios) and two pairs of helicopters. VTOLs moved the right flank to get around SeeM's positions. SeeM directed his LRM carriers on the edge of the excavation site, and sent the SRM Carrier and Shadow Hawk 5M against my helicopters. I feared the first one the most because I did not want to receive about 60 missiles on any of my units. So I sent one Cavalry to get rid of the threat.
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Zielone Duchy ruszają naprzód./ Green Ghosts move forward. |
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Marikowie zajmują pozycje obronne wokół stanowisk archeologicznych./ The Mariks take defensive positions around the excavation site. |
In the meantime, my second pair of VTOLs (Cavalry and Yellow Jacket) jumped on ShadowHawk 5M's back. I managed to put in a Gauss slug into its side and critically damage two reactor slots, but the excess of freezers in this machine did not cause major problems with heat. The hunt of a lonely Cavalry on the SRM Carrier lasted for three rounds, before finally I was able to put enough of my own SRMs into it to get him out of the fight. The third Cavalry began the first building scans.
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Gauss w plecy ShadowHawka!/ Gauss slug in the ShadowHawk's back! |
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SRM Carrier w końcu pada./ The SRM carrier is finally down. |
My Mechs finally arrived at the battleground. On the left flank the Helios moved forward, shooting at SeeMs rocket tanks. I also attacked them from the other side with my helicopters. Unfortunately, here I made two mistakes - the first was dropping the searchlight from ShadowHawk 5M, which moved on my Enforcer's back and hid in the dark like a ninja, and that made my counterattacks completely ineffective. The second mistake was moving into the optimal range of SeeM LRMs, which gave my Enforcer a lot of punishment. The result - Enforcer falls down because of damage and Blackjack falls down from a missed kick.
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ShadowHawk ninja |
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Zielone Duchy na ziemi./ Green Ghosts down. |
SeeM's LRM Carriers poured more fire into my Mechs, seriously damaging the Lynx (he took 7 LRM20 salvos). Fortunately, my VTOLs managed to locate the target dig site I was interested in. SRM salvos from three Cavalry's leveled the target.
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Cavalry niszczą cel./ Cavalry's destroy the target. |
The last round we played was the retreat of Lynx and Blackjack under the cover of Yellow Jacket with Marik Wraiths in hot pursuit after the first one. Helios and the damaged Enforcer also managed to cripple the ShadowHawk 5M, knocking out his third engine slot, and take out the Hunter tank.
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Ostatnie chwile ShadowHawka 5M i Huntera./ The last moments of the ShadowHawk 5M and Hunter. |
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Desperacka obrona Lynxa./ Lynx desperate last stand. |
If we still had time to continue, I would probably lose this Lynx, because in the last round he received two critical hits in the reactor. SeeM, on the other hand, would surely have lost both LRM Carriers, which already had their motive systems knocked out and were just stationary turrets. But the mission's goal has been fulfilled.
Dziękuję bardzo za grę SeeM! Kogo nie było niech żałuje :)
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