Oto ostateczny rezultat moich prac nad czterema figurkami Mechów z pudełka 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set. Mechy to Banshee, Clint, Zeus i Commando pomalowane w barwy Lyran Guards - bez wskazania konkretnego regimentu.
Here's the final result of my work on the four miniatures from the 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set. The Mechs are Banshee, Clint, Zeus and Commando painted in Lyran Guards colors - without specifying a particular regiment.
Here's the final result of my work on the four miniatures from the 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set. The Mechs are Banshee, Clint, Zeus and Commando painted in Lyran Guards colors - without specifying a particular regiment.
Podkład to Skull White w spray'u. Jako kolorów bazowych.użyłem Astronomican Grey i Mordian Blue ze starej palety GW (Foundation). Pierwsze rozjaśnienie to Electric Blue (GW) i Pale Greyblue (Vallejo). Później wash Pale Grey (Vallejo) i Asurmen Blue (GW). Ostateczne rozjaśnienia to drybrush Ice Blue (GW) i overbrush Skull White (GW). Metalowe części to Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo), wash Badab Black (GW) i rozjaśnienia Silver (Vallejo).
I primed the minis with Skull White spray. As base colors I used Astronomican Grey and Mordian Blue from old GW range (Foundation). First highlights were made with Electric Blue (GW) and Pale Greyblue (Vallejo). Then I used Pale Grey (Vallejo) and Asurmen Blue (GW) washes. The final highlights were made by Ice Blue (GW) drybrush and Skull White (GW) overbrush. Metal parts were painted first with Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo), washed with Badab Black (GW) and highlighted with Silver (Vallejo).
I primed the minis with Skull White spray. As base colors I used Astronomican Grey and Mordian Blue from old GW range (Foundation). First highlights were made with Electric Blue (GW) and Pale Greyblue (Vallejo). Then I used Pale Grey (Vallejo) and Asurmen Blue (GW) washes. The final highlights were made by Ice Blue (GW) drybrush and Skull White (GW) overbrush. Metal parts were painted first with Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo), washed with Badab Black (GW) and highlighted with Silver (Vallejo).
Szkło kokpitu to nakładana stopniowo mieszanina kolorów Chaos Black (GW) i Orange Red (Vallejo). Szklenie kokpitów robiłem po raz pierwszy, ale wyszło w miarę nieźle. Zwłaszcza na Zeusie, bo tam było dużo miejsca do pracy. Na pozostałych było tak mało miejsca że czasem wydaje się że puszczają oko. Ale muszę skombinować sobie nowy pędzel 0/10 bo stary się już popsuł.
Cockpit is a mixture of Chaos Black (GW) and Orange Red (Vallejo) colors applied gradually. I did the cockpit glazing for the first time, but it came out quite well. Especially on the Zeus, because there was plenty of room to work on. There was so little space on the other minis that it sometimes seems that they wink. But I need a new 0/10 brush because my old one cant keep its tip no more.
Cockpit is a mixture of Chaos Black (GW) and Orange Red (Vallejo) colors applied gradually. I did the cockpit glazing for the first time, but it came out quite well. Especially on the Zeus, because there was plenty of room to work on. There was so little space on the other minis that it sometimes seems that they wink. But I need a new 0/10 brush because my old one cant keep its tip no more.
Podstawka to piasek, wikol, Chaos Black, drybrush Scorched Brown i Snakebite Leather (wszystko GW). Poźniej w wybranych miejscach nieco białego, a na koniec mieszanina wikolu, wody i modelarskiego śniegu (z Basecrafts).
The base was made with sand and PVA glue, painted with Chaos Black, drybrushed with Scorched Brown and Snakebite Leather (all GW). Then I painted white on some places, and used the mixture of PVA, water and modeling snow (from Basecrafts) on the same places.
The base was made with sand and PVA glue, painted with Chaos Black, drybrushed with Scorched Brown and Snakebite Leather (all GW). Then I painted white on some places, and used the mixture of PVA, water and modeling snow (from Basecrafts) on the same places.
Figurki z podstawki są średniej jakości, zatem każda warstwa farby i tak poprawia sytuację o 50%. I tak traktuję te figurki jako ogólną szkołę malowania figurek. Całkiem nieźle mi wyszło. A czemu Lanca Hanki? Hanka urodzi się w czerwcu. :)
The minis from the box set are of average quality, so each layer of paint, improves the situation by 50%. I use these figures as a general school of painting miniatures. I think I came out pretty good. Why Hanna's Lance? Hanna will be born in June. :)
The minis from the box set are of average quality, so each layer of paint, improves the situation by 50%. I use these figures as a general school of painting miniatures. I think I came out pretty good. Why Hanna's Lance? Hanna will be born in June. :)
Reszta zdjęć poniżej.
Check out the rest of the pictures.
Check out the rest of the pictures.
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Banshee |
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Banshee |
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Zeus |
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Zeus |
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Commando |
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Commando |
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Clint |
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Clint |
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Clint & Commando |
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Zeus & Banshee |
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